The first is Chica Boutiqua It is on April 16th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Town Hall in Zionsville. The address is 100 West Oak St for those of you using your GPS to get there. I don't go anywhere without mine! One time I got lost coming home from Lebanon and went the entire way around 465. How? I have never figured that out. My kids were NOT happy!!
Chica Boutiqua will bring several local etsyans and artisans to showcase and sell their beautiful things for spring. You will find handcrafted jewelry, home decor, purses, hair accessories, clothing, pet bling and tons more! There is a $2.00 admission. Come out and see us :-)
The other thing I am excited about is wishBIG ecamp This is perfect for me. I am too damned shy to attend an actual retreat. WAY outside my comfort zone. The ecamp includes:
- 10 (2 hour) online creative living workshops from a host of fabulously inspiring camp counselors, each of them bringing their own special talent and insight to help you wishBIG, createBIG and liveBIG! (schedule and descriptions below). all classes will be available online through the end of april and are self paced.
- camp T-shirts for all campers!
- daily ecamp inspiration postcards (via email) created especially for you by our talented teachers
- evening campfire gatherings and activities to encourage community and fun!
- ecamp cabinmates to help you connect with local campers
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Peace Out Peeps!